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Published March 14, 2024

How EIP-4844 Makes 3DNS Domain Management More Efficient

Embracing Ethereum's Latest Upgrade for Efficiency and Scalability

Exciting times are upon us at 3DNS!

With Ethereum’s latest upgrade, EIP-4844, going live, we’re enhancing how we manage domains on 3DNS. This update, known as Proto-Danksharding, is set to revolutionize Ethereum’s scalability and efficiency—significantly impacting services like ours that operate on the Optimism layer-2 scaling solution. Given 3DNS’s operation on Optimism, this upgrade means our users will directly benefit from reduced gas fees and faster transaction speeds, making domain management on our platform smoother and more affordable. Let’s dive into what this means for you and how it improves 3DNS’s domain management.

What’s EIP-4844 and Why It Matters

EIP-4844 introduces “blobspace,” a game-changing concept designed to store large amounts of data offchain securely. For us at 3DNS, and more importantly, for you as domain owners, this translates into two major benefits: significantly lower gas fees and an overall smoother, faster blockchain interaction.

The Impact on 3DNS Domain Management

As gas fees plummet, the cost of domain registration and transactions on our platform is expected to drop, making the management of your digital assets more affordable. EIP-4844’s introduction isn’t just about saving on costs but about preparing for the future. By improving transaction throughput, we’re setting the stage for a more scalable, robust platform. Plus, with the enhanced ability to process transactions more efficiently, you’ll experience a sleeker domain management process.

What This Means for You

Lower Costs: Expect to see a reduction in the gas fees associated with managing your domains on 3DNS.

Enhanced Performance: Faster transactions mean quicker domain registrations and updates, improving your overall experience.

Future-Proof Services: With a more scalable Ethereum network, we’re excited to explore new features.


The addition of EIP-4844 on 3DNS improved domain management, offering you reduced costs and improved efficiency. As we embrace this upgrade we are also paving the way for future innovations. Welcome to a more scalable, cost-effective, and efficient future with 3DNS.