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Published November 7, 2023

About .careers domains

Exploring the Unique Opportunities of .careers Domain

A Brief History

The evolution of the internet brought with it the necessity for domain name systems, essentially serving as the directory of the web, with .com being a prime and early example. Tracing the history of .com involves a journey through the modernization of the internet. The registration of the first .com domain by Symbolics, Inc. on March 15, 1985, signified the onset of a new digital epoch. As the online world blossomed, the demand for more specific domain extensions burgeoned, leading to ICANN’s New gTLD Program.

Initiated with the aim to broaden the domain name system horizon, ICANN’s New gTLD Program commenced its initial application round on January 12, 2012, wrapping up on April 20, 2012. This allowed potential registry operators to apply for new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) via the TLD Application System (TAS). However, a technical hiccup led to a temporary TAS system halt, extending the application deadline to April 20. Upon closure, it was unveiled that 1,268 entities had applied, and on the “Reveal Day” (June 13, 2012), a sum of 1,930 applications were announced, encompassing 84 community applications and 116 for Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). Of these, 230 applications were found contending for the same string, displaying the capacity to introduce up to 1,409 new TLDs.

The .careers TLD sprang from this program, with Donuts (Wild Corner, LLC) being the sole applicant for the string, thus securing the rights to .careers. This initiative by ICANN marked a notable milestone, diversifying the domain landscape, fostering competition, and offering more descriptive domain name choices like .careers, specifically catering to the employment and career-oriented sectors, thereby advancing digital innovation and consumer choice.

Emergence of .careers TLD

.careers emerged from ICANN’s New gTLD Program, with Donuts (Wild Corner, LLC) managing the TLD as its Registry after being the only applicant for the string. The proposal was successful, and the domain was delegated to the Root Zone on 17 December, 2013.

The Address for Opportunities: Bridging Employers and Seekers

In a world where career choices are vast, and the quest for suitable employment is a universal pursuit, the .careers domain extension serves a significant purpose. It provides a distinctive digital address for businesses, recruitment agencies, HR platforms, and individuals focused on career-related endeavors. This domain is not merely a web address but a declaration of the entity’s focus and services, an ideal fit for those in the thriving employment sector.

On 2 October 2013, Donuts secured a Registry Agreement signed by ICANN for .careers after passing the Initial Evaluation.

Delegation and Availability

.careers was delegated to the Root Zone of the DNS on December 17, 2013, completing the successful application for the string. The Registry announced the Sunrise Period for the string, commencing on 24 December 2013 and concluding on 22 February 2014, marking the domain’s availability for registration.

Total Registrations

As of now, .careers boasts a total of 9,821 registrations, with 44.66% of these domains parked. This data reflects a growing interest in .careers domain, especially within the professional and employment sectors.

Competitive Analysis: .careers TLD Versus Other Similar TLDs

The .careers Top-Level Domain (TLD) provides a distinct domain landscape, catering specifically to businesses, organizations, or individuals involved in the employment and career-oriented sectors. Here’s a comparative analysis of .careers with other similar TLDs:

.careers vs .job

  • Specificity: .careers is aimed at a broader spectrum encompassing various career opportunities, employment platforms, and individuals seeking jobs, whereas .job could be more narrowly focused on individual job postings.
  • Industry Recognition: .careers may provide a broader recognition within the employment sector, allowing for a wide range of career-related platforms to resonate with the domain.

.careers vs .work

  • Target Audience: .careers appeals to both employers and job seekers looking for a comprehensive platform for career opportunities, while .work may appeal to freelancers or those showcasing individual projects.
  • Versatility: .careers offers a wider scope of application compared to .work, making it a versatile choice for different employment-related ventures.

.careers vs .employment

  • Descriptiveness: .careers is succinct and self-explanatory when it comes to indicating the nature of the business, whereas .employment could be seen as more formal and might not have the same level of intuitive recognition.
  • Domain Length: .careers is shorter and possibly more memorable compared to .employment, which could be advantageous in digital marketing and branding.

.careers vs .hr

  • Clarity: .careers provides a clear indication of the industry, while .hr is more generic and can also refer to Human Resources departments or functions, which may not provide direct insights into the employment sector.
  • Search Relevance: Potential customers searching for career opportunities are likely to find .careers domains more relevant, which could lead to better search engine rankings and traffic.

.careers vs .com

  • Industry Alignment: .com is traditionally generic, while .careers aligns well with employment-related businesses.
  • Memorability: .careers may provide a more memorable and intuitive domain choice for those specifically looking for career opportunities or employment platforms.

Trust Factor: .careers vs. .com and Other TLDs

The trustworthiness of a domain can significantly impact a user’s decision to engage with a website. Here’s how .careers stacks up against .com and other TLDs in terms of trust:

Familiarity and Tradition

  • .com: Being one of the earliest and most common TLDs, .com has a longstanding tradition of trust and recognition among internet users. People are accustomed to .com domains, which can naturally engender a sense of trust.
  • .careers : Being relatively new, .careers and other similar TLDs might not have the same level of user familiarity, which may initially impact the perceived trustworthiness.

Relevance and Descriptiveness

  • .careers: This TLD is highly descriptive and relevant for employment and career-oriented platforms. The self-explanatory nature of .careers can build trust among users seeking job opportunities as it immediately communicates the website’s focus.
  • Other Generic TLDs (gTLDs): Domains like .net, .info, or .org may not provide the same level of descriptiveness, potentially requiring extra effort to establish trust and relevance in the career industry.


  • .com and .careers: Both .com and .careers can project a level of professionalism if the website is well-designed, secure, and provides valuable content. However, .com might have a slight edge due to its established reputation.
  • Other new TLDs: The perceived professionalism of other new TLDs can vary widely based on user familiarity and the website’s content quality.

SEO and Online Visibility

  • Search engines treat all TLDs equally in terms of rankings. However, a .careers domain with relevant and quality content can potentially rank well for career-related queries, which in turn, can contribute to building trust as users often trust websites that appear on the first page of search results.

3 Industries That Would Benefit From a .careers Website

  1. Recruitment and Staffing: Businesses in the recruitment and staffing industry can benefit from a .careers TLD as it instantly communicates the nature of their services. It can be used for websites dedicated to job listings, career advice, and recruitment services, helping candidates and employers connect more efficiently.
  2. Educational Institutions and Career Counseling: Educational institutions and career counseling services can utilize the .careers TLD for web portals focused on career guidance, alumni job placements, or showcasing different career paths available to students and clients.
  3. Professional Development and Training: Companies or organizations offering professional development courses, certifications, and training programs can adopt the **.careers**TLD to highlight their commitment to advancing individuals’ careers. This TLD can help attract individuals looking to upskill, reskill or advance in their professional journeys.

Adoption by Reputable Entities

  • The trust factor of .careers and other new TLDs can significantly increase as more reputable businesses and organizations adopt these domains and showcase them in a professional manner.

In summary, while .com continues to enjoy a high level of trust due to its longevity and widespread use, .careers provides a unique opportunity for employment-related businesses to build trust through relevance and descriptiveness. Over time, as more users become familiar with and see reputable entities using .careers and other new TLDs, the trust factor associated with these domains is likely to grow.


Is .careers Good for SEO?

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), Google’s algorithm does not have a preference for specific top-level domains (TLDs) like .careers. The search engine giant treats all TLDs equally, be it generic ones like .com or .net, or more descriptive ones like .careers. The key to SEO success lies more in the website’s content quality, relevance to the searched query, user experience, site speed, mobile-friendliness, and other technical SEO factors rather than the TLD itself. Therefore, a .careers domain has the same potential for SEO success as any other TLD, provided the website adheres to SEO best practices.

How Much Does a .careers Domain Cost?

It costs $29.30 to register and renew a domain on 3DNS.

Who Can Register a .careers domain?

The .careers domain operates without stringent pre-registration restrictions, allowing anyone to register.

Will People Know and Trust the .careers Domain Extension?

The .careers domain extension is self-explanatory and is likely to be recognized and trusted by individuals seeking career opportunities or information. It’s especially relevant for recruiters, HR firms, and companies looking to attract talent, as it clearly indicates the industry and focus of the website.

.careers Registry Agreement

The governance of .careers domains is enshrined in the official registry agreement between Donuts and ICANN. This agreement delineates the operational, technical, and policy frameworks guiding the .careers TLD, anchoring its governance in structured protocols.

Should I Get a .careers domain?

The .careers domain isn’t merely a trend; it mirrors the contemporary necessities. As the employment market continues to flourish, having a .careers domain allows entities to carve a niche, stand out, and resonate with their target audience in a bustling digital landscape. The .careers domain, akin to .com, is more than just a domain; it’s a narrative, a clear indication of the business it represents, and a savvy choice for those within the employment industry.