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Published November 9, 2023

About .bio domains

Diving into the .bio TLD: Your Comprehensive Guide

A Brief History

Domain name systems have evolved to cater to niche sectors, making internet navigation more intuitive and relevant. The journey began with .com, the pioneer of domain extensions, when Symbolics, Inc. registered the first .com domain on March 15, 1985. As digital ecosystems matured, the need for specialized domain extensions surfaced, leading to ICANN’s New gTLD Program.

ICANN’s initiative aimed at diversifying the domain name system landscape commenced on January 12, 2012, wrapping up on April 20, 2012. This venture allowed aspiring registry operators to vie for the management of new Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) through the TLD Application System (TAS). Among the plethora of applications, the .bio domain emerged, aligning with the increasing emphasis on organic living and biologically centered businesses.

A significant milestone was achieved when .bio was delegated to the DNS Root Zone under ICANN’s New gTLD Program on June 2, 2014. Initially managed by Starting Dot, the reins were later handed over to Afilias in August 2016 post the acquisition of Starting Dot, marking the official genesis of .bio domain’s journey.

Emergence of .bio TLD

The .bio TLD emerged from a background of organic significance, the term “bio” resonating with life and organic farming in over 52 nations across multiple languages. This domain extension opened up a fresh avenue for entities operating in the worlds of biology, biotechnology, and organic living to establish a distinctive online identity. The transition of management from Starting Dot to Afilias further fortified the .bio domain’s standing in the digital domain landscape.

Digital Akin to Organic

In a world pivoting towards organic and sustainable living, .bio serves as a digital insignia for businesses, organizations, and individuals rooted in biology, biotechnology, and organic farming. It’s more than just a web address; it’s a digital testament to an entity’s commitment to promoting life, be it through organic products or biological research.

Advantages of .bio Domain

  • Specificity: .bio domain immediately elucidates the nature of the business, a boon for entities in the biological or organic sector.
  • Availability: Being a relatively fresh and specific domain, there’s a higher probability of securing the desired web address.
  • Qualified Web Visitors: Ensures attraction of a targeted audience, aligning with the interests and values of the bio-community.
  • Brevity: Entities with ‘bio’ in their name can now flaunt a shorter and more intuitive web address, with ‘bio’ appearing after the dot.

Competitive Analysis: .bio TLD Versus Other Similar TLDs

The .bio domain holds a distinct space in the domain landscape, aligning closely with businesses, organizations, or individuals involved in the bio-industry. A comparative analysis of .bio with other similar TLDs reveals its unique standing:

.bio vs .organic

  • Specificity: .bio encompasses a broader spectrum, including biology and biotechnology, whereas .organic is more focused on organic farming and products.
  • Global Recognition: “Bio” being synonymous with organic in multiple languages, gives .bio a global recognition, making it a versatile choice.

.bio vs .life

  • Target Audience: .bio appeals to a specialized audience interested in biology or organic living, while .life caters to a broader, more generic audience.
  • Descriptiveness: .bio offers a clear indication of the industry, aiding in better brand positioning.

.bio vs .green

  • Industry Alignment: .bio aligns well with biological and organic sectors, while .green is more suited for environmentally-focused entities.
  • Descriptiveness: .bio is descriptive for businesses in the biological or organic sector, aiding in brand clarity.

.bio vs .farm

  • Descriptiveness: .bio is more descriptive and self-explanatory when it comes to indicating a connection to biology or organic farming, whereas .farm is quite generic and can refer to any farming, not necessarily organic.

Trust Factor: .bio vs. .com and Other TLDs

The domain’s trustworthiness can significantly affect a user’s interaction with a website. Here’s how .bio competes against .com and other TLDs in terms of trust:

Familiarity and Tradition

  • .com: Being the earliest and most common TLD, .com holds a longstanding tradition of trust and recognition among internet users.
  • .bio : While relatively new, .bio can gain trust through its relevance and descriptiveness, especially among the target audience.

Relevance and Descriptiveness

  • .bio: The .bio domain’s descriptiveness can build trust among users seeking biology or organic related information, products, or services.
  • Other Generic TLDs (gTLDs): Domains like .net, .info, or .org may lack the level of descriptiveness, requiring extra effort to establish trust and relevance in the bio-industry.

5 Industries That Would Benefit from a .bio Domain

  1. Biotechnology Industry: Companies and institutions engaged in biotechnological research and development can utilize the .bio domain to showcase their contributions towards innovation in biology and related fields.
  2. Organic Farming and Food Industry: Entities involved in organic farming and the sale of organic products can leverage the .bio domain to emphasize their adherence to organic practices and to attract consumers interested in organic goods.
  3. Educational Institutions and Research Bodies: Universities, colleges, and research institutions offering courses and conducting research in biology, biotechnology, and environmental sciences can use the .bio domain to provide educational resources, publish research findings, and promote their programs.
  4. Pharmaceutical Industry: Pharmaceutical companies involved in the development of bio-pharmaceuticals or organic-based medicines can use the .bio domain to highlight their focus on biological and organic compounds in drug discovery and development.
  5. Environmental and Conservation Organizations: Organizations dedicated to environmental conservation, biodiversity, and ecological sustainability can employ the .bio domain to underline their mission and engage with communities interested in biological diversity and ecological preservation.



The .bio domain is priced at $6.29/yr on 3DNS, making it a cost-effective choice for individuals and entities keen on showcasing their commitment to the environment.

Will People Know and Trust the .bio Domain Extension?

The recognition and trust of the .bio domain extension may depend on its adoption within the biological or biographical communities. The .bio extension clearly resonates with topics related to biology, biographies, or organic practices, which can help in establishing trust and recognition among relevant audiences.

Is .bio Good for SEO?

Like other gTLDs, the .bio domain doesn’t inherently provide an SEO advantage. SEO performance is largely dictated by factors such as quality content, backlinks, user experience, and adherence to SEO best practices, regardless of the domain extension. However, a .bio domain might be beneficial for SEO when the website content is relevant to biological or organic topics, as it may enhance the site’s relevance to user queries in these areas.

Who can register a .bio domain?

The .bio domain is open for registration to anyone, although it’s particularly resonant with individuals, organizations, and businesses involved in biology, biographies, or organic practices. This includes research institutions, scientists, authors, organic farmers, and biographical writers.

ICANN Registry Agreement for .bio

The establishment and operation of the .bio domain are governed by a Registry Agreement between the designated registry operator, Afilias, and ICANN. This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions for managing the .bio domain namespace, ensuring that it adheres to the stipulated standards for the benefit of registrants and the broader internet community.

You can explore the details of the Registry Agreement for .bio on the ICANN website. This agreement provides comprehensive insight into the regulations and responsibilities associated with the management and registration of .bio domains, contributing to a reliable and structured domain landscape for all stakeholders involved.


The .bio domain provides a distinct, memorable, and relevant web address for individuals and entities in biology related sectors. Securing a .bio domain isn’t just about having a digital address; it’s about having a meaningful, intuitive, and direct one that resonates with the values and services offered. Register now on 3DNS!