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Published December 1, 2023

About .wiki domains

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About .wiki Domains

The .wiki top-level domain (TLD) embarks on a mission to foster a dedicated digital ecosystem for wikis, reflecting the collaborative essence inherent in wiki platforms. This article traces the conception, realization, and ongoing narrative of the .wiki TLD, delineating its unique place in the domain name system (DNS).

Historical Backdrop

The .wiki domain was a brainchild of Top Level Design, who envisioned a distinct namespace for wikis, fostering ease of identification and accessibility amidst the internet’s domain diversity. The journey commenced with a proposal to ICANN in June 2012, followed by a formal “Registry Agreement” in November 2013, culminating in its delegation to the DNS root zone on February 19, 2014.

The domain saw a phased launch, beginning with a Sunrise Period for trademark holders from March 3 to May 5, 2014, followed by a Landrush Period till May 22, and finally, General Availability starting May 27, 2014. The domain’s reception was encouraging, with over 3,000 registrations on the first day of public availability.

The .wiki domain, akin to its counterparts, embraces Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs), endorsing global inclusivity. While specific DNS security measures for .wiki weren’t explicitly detailed, the broader domain landscape often sees the adoption of DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) to enhance domain security.

Collaboration with Wikimedia Foundation

A noteworthy alliance was forged with the Wikimedia Foundation, known for hosting Wikipedia, which adopted “w.wiki” as a URL shortener. This synergy not only fostered a collaborative spirit but also accentuated the .wiki domain’s commitment to promoting communal knowledge-sharing platforms.

Advantages of .wiki Domain

  • Information Hub: With its association to Wikipedia, the .wiki domain instantly communicates that the website is a rich source of information on a particular topic. This can attract individuals seeking comprehensive, detailed, or community-verified information.

  • Domain Availability: Compared to more generic domains like .com or .net, there might be a broader availability of domain names under the .wiki extension, allowing for more creative and brand-specific domain naming opportunities.

  • Global Recognition: The term “wiki” is globally recognized, thanks to platforms like Wikipedia. This global recognition can aid in attracting a worldwide audience, transcending linguistic and geographical barriers.

Competitive Analysis: .wiki TLD Versus Other Similar TLDs

.wiki vs .info

  • Community Collaboration:

    • .wiki inherently suggests a collaborative platform for information sharing and editing, while .info is more of a one-way dissemination of information.
  • Industry Recognition:

    • .wiki is well-recognized due to its association with Wikipedia, making it a go-to for collaborative knowledge bases, whereas .info is a generic TLD for informational sites.

.wiki vs .edu

  • Usage Restrictions:

    • .edu is restricted to accredited educational institutions, while .wiki is open to anyone, making it more accessible for a wider range of educational and collaborative platforms.
  • Professional vs Community Tone:

    • .edu carries a professional, authoritative tone, whereas .wiki has a more community-driven, collaborative tone.

.wiki vs .community

  • Explicit Collaboration:

    • .wiki explicitly suggests a platform for collaborative editing and knowledge sharing, whereas .community is broader, encompassing various types of community interactions.
  • Domain Length:

    • .wiki is shorter and potentially easier to remember compared to .community.

.wiki vs .org

  • Non-Profit vs Collaboration:

    • .org traditionally associates with non-profit organizations, while .wiki emphasizes collaborative knowledge creation and sharing.
  • Domain Perception:

    • .org may be perceived as more formal and established, whereas .wiki may be seen as more modern and collaborative.

.wiki vs .net

  • Information Sharing:

    • .wiki is associated with open, collaborative information sharing, whereas .net traditionally associated with network or tech-oriented platforms.
  • Domain Recognition:

    • .wiki has a strong recognition as a collaborative platform due to Wikipedia, while .net is a generic, well-established domain.

.wiki vs .forum

  • Type of Interaction:

    • .wiki is tailored for collaborative content creation and editing, while .forum is designed for discussions and conversations.
  • Content Permanence:

    • .wiki tends to have more permanent, collaboratively edited content, whereas .forum has ongoing, evolving discussions.

Industries That Would Benefit from .wiki Domain

The .wiki domain extension is synonymous with collaborative information gathering and sharing, drawing its recognition from the well-known encyclopedia, Wikipedia. This domain has a unique appeal, portraying a sense of community, knowledge, and open collaboration. While numerous sectors can leverage this domain, some industries stand out as particularly well-suited to the ethos and functionality of a .wiki domain. Here, we delve into three industries that would significantly benefit from adopting a .wiki domain for their online presence.

Education and Academic Research

The educational sector thrives on the dissemination and collaborative refinement of knowledge. A .wiki domain can serve as a hub for academic resources, research projects, and collaborative learning:

  • Collaborative Learning Platforms: A .wiki domain can house collaborative learning platforms where educators and learners contribute to a growing body of knowledge, enhancing the educational experience.

  • Research Repositories: Academic institutions and research groups can use .wiki domains to create accessible repositories of research findings, fostering open knowledge sharing within the academic community.

Gaming and Fandom Communities

The world of gaming and fandom is rich with lore, strategies, and community experiences. A .wiki domain is a fitting platform for these communities to document and share their passion:

  • Game Guides and Lore: Gamers can create and maintain extensive guides, walkthroughs, and lore encyclopedias on a .wiki domain, making it a go-to resource for fellow gamers.

  • Fan Contributions: Fandom communities can use .wiki domains to collaboratively document character backstories, plot summaries, and fan theories, creating a vibrant online hub for fans to explore and contribute.

Open Source Software Development

The open-source community embodies collaboration and shared knowledge. A .wiki domain can significantly benefit this industry by offering a platform for documentation, community collaboration, and project tracking:

  • Project Documentation: Developers can use .wiki domains to host comprehensive documentation for open-source projects, making it easy for other developers to learn, contribute, and provide feedback.

  • Community Collaboration: A .wiki domain provides an open platform for community discussions, bug tracking, and feature requests, fostering a collaborative environment for project development.

The .wiki domain extension offers a unique blend of community engagement and collaborative knowledge sharing, making it an appealing choice for industries that thrive on shared information and collaborative efforts. Through .wiki domains, these industries can build vibrant online communities that drive engagement, learning, and shared experiences.

3 examples of .wiki domains

  • https://ethereum.wiki/:

    • The .wiki domain for this website immediately signals a comprehensive source of information regarding Ethereum, a prominent blockchain platform. It provides a centralized space for individuals interested in learning about Ethereum’s technology, use cases, and community, fostering an educational hub for blockchain enthusiasts.
  • https://minecraft.wiki/:

    • Utilizing the .wiki domain, this website positions itself as a go-to encyclopedia for the popular game Minecraft. It’s a platform where gamers can find a vast array of information regarding gameplay, crafting recipes, updates, and community-driven content, enhancing the gaming experience by providing a collaborative knowledge base.
  • http://kickstarter.wiki/:

    • The .wiki domain for this website suggests a collaborative and comprehensive resource for exploring information related to Kickstarter campaigns, strategies, and success stories. It serves as a platform where users can learn about the Kickstarter ecosystem, enriching the crowdfunding community with a shared knowledge repository.

Market Trends

The .wiki domain, given its distinct thematic focus, presents a niche yet potentially growing market, especially amidst the burgeoning culture of online collaboration and knowledge sharing. Its pricing strategy, aimed at ensuring quality over quantity, resonates with its goal to foster a meaningful digital ecosystem.


Is .wiki Good for SEO?

Like other domain extensions, the SEO impact of a .wiki domain primarily depends on the quality, relevance, and user-friendliness of the website content.

How Much Does a .wiki Domain Cost?

The .wiki domain costs $22.49 to register and renew on 3DNS!

Who Can Register a .wiki domain?

The .wiki domain has an open registration policy, targeting wiki owners who utilize wikis for creating and disseminating sector-specific information.

Fun Facts about .wiki domains

The .wiki TLD, with its thematic focus, stands as a unique endeavor in the domain name ecosystem, promoting a culture of collaboration and shared knowledge creation. Its journey from concept to realization reflects the evolving dynamics of internet domain governance.

.wiki Registry Agreement

The governance of .wiki domains pivots on the registry agreement between ICANN and Top Level Design, later acquired by GoDaddy Registry. This agreement outlines the operational, technical, and policy frameworks guiding the .wiki TLD, shaping its trajectory in the digital domain landscape.


The .wiki TLD mirrors a concerted effort to carve out a digital enclave for wikis, amplifying the essence of collaborative knowledge generation. Its journey thus far underscores the nuanced interplay of vision, market dynamics, and community engagement in shaping the narrative of a top-level domain. Amidst the evolving domain landscape, .wiki stands as a testimony to the enduring allure of collaborative digital spaces.