New How Can I Manage an ENS Name From an L2 with 3DNS?
Enhance Your Domain's Functionality with ENS on L2

The Evolution of Domain Management
At 3DNS, we're bridging the gap between the traditional internet and the blockchain by bringing your domain names onchain. Now, not only can you enjoy all the benefits of the traditional web, but your domains can also double up with Ethereum Name Service (ENS) functionalities. This means your domains aren't just addresses on the internet anymore; they become a part of the Web3 ecosystem.
With the launch of our ENS Gasless DNSSEC and a custom L2 resolver, managing your domain has never been easier or more cost-effective. These tools allow for a smooth and affordable transition from traditional domains to blockchain ready ones, without the high gas fees usually involved since 3DNS operated on Optimism, a Layer 2 Ethereum scaling solution.
Managing Your Domain with 3DNS
With 3DNS, managing your domain onchain is not only possible but easy and affordable. The service allows your traditional domain to function as an ENS name but on an L2 network. This is a big deal because it significantly reduces the costs and complexities involved in managing domains on Ethereum's mainnet. To put it in perspective, adding just two records on the mainnet could set you back about $18 in gas fees. With 3DNS, the same operation costs roughly $0.02. This drastic reduction in costs opens up new possibilities for domain owners, making onchain domains more accessible to everyone.
Gas Costs on L1
Gas Costs on L2 through 3DNS
So, how do you get started with managing your ENS name on L2 with 3DNS? It's simpler than you might think. Once you've connected your domain with 3DNS, you can easily update records on the “ENS” tab. You can manage your domain's presence on the blockchain and add blockchain based features to your domain.
Building Your Public Profile on the Blockchain
Another new feature on 3DNS via the ENS tab is the ability to create a public profile for your domain. This means you can add your name, social media links, email address, and even wallet addresses for other cryptocurrencies like BTC and SOL. It's a username and profile, available to anyone who searches your domain. This feature enhances your online identity and makes it easier for others to connect with you and send payments across different blockchains.
By enabling traditional domains to function as ENS names on L2 networks, it's making onchain domain management more accessible, affordable, and feature-rich than ever before. 3DNS offers various opportunities to explore the potential of your domain onchain. With low costs, easy management, and the ability to build a comprehensive public profile, your domain's journey onchain starts with 3DNS.