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Published March 5, 2024

Not your keys, not your domain: how to prevent domain hijacking

What You Need to Know About Domain Hijacking

Understanding Domain Hijacking

Domain hijacking, also known as domain theft, is a serious issue where someone wrongfully takes control of another person’s domain name. This can happen through various means like fraudulent domain transfers, registration errors, or through deceptive tactics aimed at the domain owner or their DNS provider. The consequences of domain hijacking can be severe, leading to potential financial losses and damage to reputation.

Criminals use a range of strategies to hijack domains, from phishing attacks to exploiting system weaknesses or using social engineering tactics. Once a domain is hijacked, recovering it can be incredibly challenging, emphasizing the importance of preventative measures.

Examples from the Past

High-profile entities like Google, Yahoo, and Craigslist have fallen victim to domain hijacking, demonstrating the widespread vulnerability. Similarly, the crypto sector has witnessed considerable thefts, affecting platforms like Balancer, Ankr, and Pancake Swap, where substantial amounts were stolen due to domain hijacking. These incidents underscore the fact that even the most secure and well-funded organizations are not immune to domain hijacking, highlighting the importance of adopting more secure domain management practices.

Keeping Your 3DNS Domain Safe

Your 3DNS domain is like a valuable digital collectible. It’s essential to protect it well. The main risk is someone stealing access to your wallet, where your domain is stored. There have been many cases of wallet theft in the crypto world. However, with the right steps, you can keep your domain secure.

  • Private Key Security: Your private key is the gateway to your domain. Treat it with utmost confidentiality. Never share it. Consider writing it down on a durable medium, like paper or a metal plate, and storing it in a secure location. For added security, you might divide the key into several parts and store them separately.
  • Cold Wallet Storage: High-value domains should be stored in cold wallets, such as hardware wallets like Ledger, rather than in more accessible, online wallets like MetaMask. Use this wallet exclusively for managing your domain to reduce risk.
  • Multi-Signature Wallets for Organizations: For businesses, a multi-signature wallet adds an extra layer of security. Requiring a consensus (e.g., 3 out of 5 or 4 out of 7 signatures) to enact changes ensures that no single point of failure can compromise your domain’s security.

The Shift Towards Secure Domain Management

The persistence of domain hijacking underscores the need for robust security measures. Blockchain technology, as exemplified by 3DNS, leads the charge against these threats. By decentralizing domain registration and management, 3DNS offers a fortified defense mechanism against traditional vulnerabilities.


Embracing blockchain-based domain registration and management systems signals a major advancement in digital security. This is important for safeguarding digital assets against the increasing threat of domain hijacking. By prioritizing security measures and integrating solutions like 3DNS, domain owners can ensure their digital presence is secure.